The Menopause Evolution Growth Hub

Stop Googling ‘menopause’ and jump right in to my members only society.

Doors open 3rd April to my no frills, no fuss, menstrual & menopause health resources, for those already serving women and people who menstruate, whether that be physically or mentally.

If negotiating the well-being minefield of  menstrual health & menopause is creating confusion for you and your associates then you’ve come to the right place.

Register below to be first in the queue for information of what’s in store for just £7 a month!

Topics include:

The Missing Menopause Memo

Did you know that Menstrual Health can be compared to the 5th Vital Sign? 

Tracking periods and being Menstrual Cycle aware provides huge health benefits for menstruators of all ages.

Menstrual Maths

The Menstrual Health timeline is like a computer operating system that receives updates at regualr intervals. Learning to manage those shifts is a skill that can be easily learnt, with the right information.

Menopause - The Bigger Picture

Healthy ageing is directly related to healthy menopausing. Menopause doesn’t just happen.

The journey along the Hormone Highway from periods to no periods, and beyond, is part of a pre-determind pattern of events.

The Hormone Orchestra

Did you know Oestrogen is a family of hormones that work far beyond periods and pregnancy? Understanding what happens ‘beyond the bleed’ is mind-blowing!


A members ony platform with access to templates, planners and presentation templates

Well-being Centered

Content is solution focussed with actionable ideas to improve health & wellness

Monthly Q & A

Live, in person, innovative presentations & workshops.


All our topics are delivered with terminology that is relevant, and a meaningful approach.

Be the first to learn more

Add your best email to the form and we’ll send you more details in the next few days.